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Maasia tribal cattle sale out in the bush
The best way to see East Africa is in a overland truck seats upto 20 people
Why go on a trek through an African jungle
Take in a sunrise over one of East Africa’s many lakes, they really are breath taking
Why not float accross The Masai Mara National Reserve
Fort Jesus built in 1593 by the Portugese
The Giraffe Center where the giraffes have smiles on there faces.
Overlanding gets you deep into the African bush
Food markets were you can buy locally grown produce
There are over 400 different bird species in Est Africa its a bird watches paradise
Beutiful hand woven basket made from Sisal fibre
There are some of the best beaches in East Africa with sand and crystal clear water
There are so many conservation project in Africa one of my personal favourites is The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust
Volantering in schools as well as it being so rewarding it make a huge diference to very vunerable children
As you await to go into the Maasai Mara the local Maasai women get ready to pounce with there abundance of crafts.
White-backed vultures are an endangered species, I like the way i was given the not impressed glance
Relaxing restruants with beutiful food
Its just breathtaking to see a herd of elphants, they are such majestic animals
Up close and personal with a lion pride
You can be in the middle of nowhere and you still see tribal people walking to where i dont know
Some trips can be so full on you don’t get time to stop and take it all in, it’s better to have time to experience the places you visit and immerse yourself
There are some real luxury places it doesnt have to be tents and camp fires.
There was one a Hadada Ibis on a campsite i stayed on, its a very vocal bird especailly around dawn
Its a mix of Arab, Asian, Portuguese and British archectecture
A beutiful tradional round house with a timber frame mud walls and a makuti built roof
The four tusks aluminium tusks on Moi Avenue Mombasa were erected in honour of Queen Elizabeth's visit to the city in 1952.
There are some beautiful trees in East Africa this is one of my favourites
Pick up a bargain from one of the beach sellers.
This cave was a hiding place for the Mau Mau during uprising in Kenya 1952.
You never know what you will see on an African adveture
The thorny fence that surrounds the maasai village is to protect them and there cattle from predators
Lake Naivasha looks dramatic when a storm blows in
July to October is considered by most to be the best time of year to visit Masai Mara to witness the migration
Kazuri began in 1975 to provide and sustain employment opportunities for disadvantaged members of Kenyan society, especially Single Mothers
If its sun, sea and total relaxatioin the east africa coastline is second to non. just sit back and while away your day with a cool drink
Hippopotamus live in groups (herds) of around ten to 20 individuals or even more, led by one dominant male.
Why not take a leisurely trip down the beach on the back of a camel.
The Maasia have a very close relationship with there herds its there form of capital
The stillted buiding has some great views of the Rift Valley though the structure has seen better days.
A family bunching coriander (Dhania) this family took over a disused hotel staff quarters. Africa is built on enterprising families like this family
Its great to go off the beatern track in East Africa
The Rift Valley stretches 3,700 miles from Beqaa Valley in Lebanon in Asia to Mozambique in southeastern Africaes
All Photography Is Copyrighted To Matthew Selfe